MyWorkDoc Benefits Employees & Their Employer

MyWorkDoc aims to be a full-service Occupational, Health, and Safety Platform that integrates tools, processes, and workflows to bring visibility, efficiency, and meaningful cost reduction to its customers. Paired with our world-class Services, we ensure employees are properly triaged, their injury is properly managed, and they successfully remain or return to work.
We strive to provide technology & services that leads to:
- Fewer workplace incidents & injuries
- Reduced Lost Employee Paid Time
- Lower Medical Costs
- Better Safety Scores
- Simplicity of single system & source of truth
- Increased efficiency, visibility, and transparency
- Happier Clients & Employees
MyWorkDoc: Triage Solution for Your Company
Employees who work alone or at small worksites, often in remote locations, have limited access to immediate medical assistance in case of injury.
Minor injuries such as strains, sprains and cuts are often referred for more expensive off-site care and can lead to unnecessary lost time and recordable claims. Many of these injuries would respond favorably to appropriate on-site first aid instructions provided by a trusted Medical Professional.
Off-site clinics and hospitals may be unfamiliar with workplace first aid options that include modified duty and return-to-work programs.
Many employers struggle with tracking or even being notified in a timely manner when injuries occur during late hours, weekends and holidays. This is especially true with mobile sites and multiple shifts.
MyWorkDoc provides the most effective, user-friendly way to address these issues.
Workers and employers have immediate visual and verbal access to medical professionals 24/7/365. This brings:
- Strong clinical protocols, focusing on treatment, onto the job site at the time of the injury
- Timely reporting of injuries to all designated persons and usage of customizable reporting incident forms to meet your company needs
- HIPPA-compliant access to all injury reports, treatment plans and case management notes
- Complete case management services that ensure follow through from time of the first report and treatment to completion