What Is MyWorkDoc?
MyWorkDoc, is a service company that is backed by world-class software and was founded by experienced medical and industrial professionals. The goal is to provide immediate audio and visual computer or telephone triage for employees injured in the field or at the facility.
With our service, employees will have access to medical professionals 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, using state-of-the-art, HIPPA-compliant audio, visual conferencing by computer or smartphone.
Once the MyWorkDoc app is downloaded to a phone, employees can be immediately connected to a medical professional to begin the triage process. MyWorkDoc medical professionals make sound clinical decisions from years of experience to determine when first aid is appropriate, or if further medical referrals are necessary.
MyWorkDoc medical professionals understand the importance of minimizing lost time and recordable injuries. Therefore, they strive for consistent treatment decisions and prompt reporting of injuries to all designated recipients. Consolidated reporting of all injuries via a secure website ensures both the employer and the employee receive the real-time injury updates including First Aid instructions.

Maximize Care for Injured Employees, while Minimizing Lost Time and Recordable Injuries.
MyWorkDoc provides the most effective, user-friendly way to address these issues.